Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Is Hell getting frosty?  Are pigs beginning to fly?  Have I gone nuts and bought a new vehicle? 
No, but I am using a 2012 Chevrolet Equinox as my trapping truck for a week! 
It all started a few years ago when Chevrolet signed on as a corporate member of the Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers. At our annual conference one of the Chevrolet reps told me, "If you ever need a vehicle for a magazine assignment, just let me know." 

I told him, "The places I drive, you wouldn't want me in one of your new trucks." 

He responded, "That's why we hire people to detail them after every loan out."

So I got a Chevrolet Colorado and wrote a story for Trapper and Predator Caller magazine about trapping out of "yuppy-trucks" -- you know, those spiffed up, downsized trucks suburbanites buy and use.  The following year I got a Dodge Outdoorsman edition to write a story about the ultimate trapline vehicle if price is no object. It was a diesel powered, 3/4-ton 4-wheel-drive model that should be required to come standard with a ladder to climb into it and out of it. 

The editor of T&PC and I decided the only thing left was to find an economy vehicle that could be used as a trapping truck.  Thus the Equinox.  Rated at 32 MPG and with all-wheel-drive, rear seats that fold down, we'll see in the next week how it fares in the fields and dirt roads around Newton County.  Too bad for the guy who has to detail it back in Detroit.

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